February 7, 2025
Sniper Elite: Resistance review – Brilliant Bloody and Bloody Brilliant

Sniper Elite: Resistance review – Brilliant Bloody and Bloody Brilliant

Sniper Elite: Resistance may not innovate much on the standard blue pressure of the series, but it is still a challenging, rewarding and very satisfying adventure.

I like to kill things. Always had. It’s good for the soul, I think. It is difficult to generate anger and resentment if you have just shot a Nazi in the sex glands (Hey, there is an achievement for that!), That is why I will soon submit a petition to the NHS to have Sniper Elite: Resistance available on recipe. It cannot pay off your credit card or make your nine-to-five life more pleasant, no, but an hour a night has To be good for you. Like an apple a day. Or floss. But, you know, violent.

Before I tell you why my time at Sniper Elite: Resistance was so exciting – and it was – I will tell you a little secret. For all the shooters I play – and I play A lot – I am not such a lonely wolf. Sure, I might jump in a few games on my TOD. Maybe spend some time in a PVE playlist for an hour or two. But in the end hunting is a group sport for me. I am happiest when I am dealing with my own fire, hectic communication and accusations of murder and theft, while I have a party four or pity as part of a broader fire brigade team (I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that my KDR is bad, and that I am more spent time to be responded to than to actively help my teammates (honest).

The exception to this is the worn-out open-world PVE blue pressure from Ubisoft. You know that one. Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed: The implementation (playing pun is not intended, but certainly applicable) is virtually identical. Sneak at an unsuspecting stronghold or camp and crawl around in the bush, where you kill all the enemies if they get too close. Although I – an unabashed coward that I am – always preferred to climb a nearby mountain, to feel at ease, to get my familiar sniper rifle and pop until no soul is left. All without putting a foot in its place! To be honest, few things in this world make me happier.

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It is therefore not surprising that I have one ball With Sniper Elite resistance. Just like one of my favorite series of all time, Dishonored, there is no ‘right’ way to get through the campaign with the Second World War, which means that I can do nothing technically. wrong. Can things go off-script? Oh Lord, yes – just ask my BFF, Mission 3: Sonderzüge Sabotage, which I got to know in detail after three hours and a lot of rescue work. But once you have found your rhythm and your equipment and tools begin to adjust to your way of playing, the thoughtful map design, the dramatic score and the bombastic firefight of Resistance will come together in an excellent symphony that, despite everything, has a challenging, rewarding And makes very satisfactory romp. The fact that your leading husband, Harry-de-Appels-and-Pen-Rechts-Gouverneur Hawker, has zero chilly. If you still know him from earlier Sniper Elite games, I can only say that I am sorry. I can only hope that he was not as astonishingly talkative then as it is now.

Your character, Harry, squats behind a stone wall in the foreground in Sniper Elite Resistance. In the background, under a cloudy summer sky, is a Citadel or Fort with turrets and high stone walls. A Nazi banner with a swastika hangs above the entrance.

Image Voeto: Eurogamer/rebellion

Sniper Elite: Resistance takes us to Vichy, France, and the heart of the Europe occupied by the Nazis in the middle of the Second World War. The summer of 1944 to be precise. Hawker has been called for … I don’t really know. Despite all his bleating, the story is recorded with every mission via a voice-over and a few films in a way that makes it superfluous for the promotion. It is sufficient to say that Hawker works for the Allies and infiltrates Nazi-Bolwerken to collect information, to kill goals or to destroy important infrastructure, depending on what the Allies or the French resistance need. Oh, and of course he kills Nazis; There are many beautiful Nazi murders.

How you do it is also up to you. I have seen people say that you can perform and shoot Sniper Elite games, but that is definitely so not My experience. It is frightening to be overwhelmed when you are bumbled, even on average difficulty level, and especially in later levels when any other tower has a sniper with eagle eyes that you can apparently see behind a sturdy wall of two cities away. You can choose how you approach that; There are ways to deal with your enemy both deadly and non-deadly, and optional objectives are precisely that: optional. I personally had the best time to look for those secondary missions; It not only forces you to explore the entire card, but it also helps to increase your self -confidence … not to mention your XP.

Harry sits on top of a balcony and overlooks the dark night sky in Sniper Elite Resistance. A bridge connects your goal with your goal, but there are dozens of enemies - marked by binoculars - between you and the goal.

A look by Harry's binoculars in Sniper Elite Resistance, which can be used to explore ahead, tag your enemies and get more information about them. Somehow Harry's binoculars tells him that this shoulder has a heartbeat of 59 BPS and is a Jäger officer. It is 271 meters away.

Harry squat in the bush on a sunny day in Sniper Elite Resistance. There is a French castle and a dam in the distance. Harry has secured a medal in the top corner

Image Voeto: Eurogamer/rebellion

And the missions are Great. From huge, colossal Nazi-Bovenbouw to picturesque French castles, you explore them all. Missions two and three felt enormous For me, I have to admit that, but with the fourth – Collision Course – I got a riot. For almost half an hour I squatted exactly where I was set out, the lookout was so wonderful. I pushed the long -distance possibilities of my gun to the extreme and unpacked the bad guys one by one without ever knowing where I was … Oh, what a treat! By the time I walked around on foot, almost everyone was already dead.

Admittedly, it took a while before I found that rhythm. To begin with, the game is confident; Yes, there is a tutorial level, and yes, from time to time the game will appear with a handy tip. But although I agree that we all don’t have to hear how we should fire a gun or what the white paint means on that edge (sigh), you will never formally get to know your baits, or how you have different my work. Admittedly, it is not a criminal offense, but something to keep in mind, especially if you are new in the series.

A glorious bloody röntgen-kill-cam of an officer who is torn apart by a shot in the lung in Sniper Elite Resistance

Image Voeto: Eurogamer/rebellion

In the end, however, it all falls into place, especially if you unlock the workbenches and really get to the core … quite literally. From there you unlock telescopes, blows, pumps, etc. to refine your weapons, and the user interface tells you forever what a great Nazi murderer you are; All kinds of ribbons, medals and awards popping while you work through the campaign.

There are several places where a little spit and polish resistance from a pleasant experience could elevate to a sublime experience. Maybe having binoculars and the focus capacity is both bound to R3 great for most people, but I always open my binoculars when I try to eliminate the focus, and vice versa – which is not great if you are in the neighborhood a tight place. And why spontaneously lets Hawker fall his special weapon when he performs a Melee-Kill? At least narrate I, you dropped it, man. There is nothing worse than to emerge from a struggle and discover that Hazzer has left the gun with a silencer that you enjoyed five corpses and two buildings ago.

And don’t let me start about the cloak. (Harry. You are a soldier. I really think you could overcome the five -centimeter sidewalk or seam bag if you put your sentences on it, champion).

Your character, Harry, has just reached his goal while squatting in a dilapidated citizen house in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Image Voeto: Eurogamer/rebellion

Of course, Sniper Elite: Resistance also has the typical multiplayer offer. Unfortunately I had connection problems during the assessment period and that is why I focused on the campaign in this review, so I come back here as soon as I can. Nevertheless, the Axis Invasion mode from Sniper Elite 5 returns. If you are brave, you can open your game and allow other players to fall inside and chase yourself. Personally, I already have enough problems without anyone twenty years younger with hand-eye coordination on hunting, but oh well, I am happy that it exists for the non-locks among us.

Completely new, however, are the ‘propagandamissions’ of resistance, fast and dirty, on time -based missions that can be unlocked by locating the fierce loud posters that flutter around the spot in the main campaign. The range varies – there are sniper challenges, stealth and fights – but in every game you have to beat as many enemies as possible within the time limit with a limited set of weapons. Scores can be increased by being quick and efficient and avoiding damage yourself – so I sucked – But at least you can play if someone other than Harry, and that is not an insignificant advantage in this game, believe me.

Your character, Harry, squats for a poster with "The resistance" shown on it in Sniper Elite Resistance. A pop-up explains that if you collect the poster with each mission, you unlock the propaganda mode.

Image Voeto: Eurogamer/rebellion

For example, in the propaganda lady of Mission 4, Le Maquis Voit Tout, you are forced to sniff up at speed to get as many enemies as possible within a minute. Challenge 1, La Resistance, on the other hand, gives you 90 seconds to sneak through the city and to eliminate enemies in silence. Every ghost murder takes some extra time, so every fight has the wonderful tension that it must be done quickly but also secretly. They are wonderfully fast treasure hunts and the perfect antidote for marathon campaign sessions if you, like me, become a bit too obsessed with the need to explore every centimeter of the main cards.

All in all, I am having a good time – even without the magic of Sniper Elite’s legendary X -ray Kill Cam. And I use the present tense there, because even after I have completed it, I would like to participate again to play again with different tactics, difficulty degrees, weapons: you name it. Admittedly, your mileage can vary if you are a Sniper Elite veteran who feels like something new-in a positive or negative sense, this does not deviate very much from Sniper Elite 5. But as I said, I just received a medal To shoot the test of a Nazi from 326 meters away. Not all heroes wear capes, you know.

A copy of Sniper Elite: Resistance was provided for assessment by developer Rebellion.

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